The Scrap Pile | August 13, 2012


July completely slipped away from me. I mean, I blinked and it was August. So, here’s a few layouts that I did before the month went into hyperdrive.

One of Those Days

I kind of enjoy getting pictures of those not-so-perfect moments. Frustration, irritation, and temper tantrums are part of life. The bonus is that Chaos usually snaps out of fake tantrums as soon as the shutter clicks.


No, No, No!

One of my more embarrassing moments as a mom. Still, the story is pretty funny and I wanted to remember it, and it was a good excuse to scrap a super-cute photo of Chaos as a baby.


Sweet Pea

I laughed when I took these pictures. I think it was foreshadowing of the daily joys of being momma to Captain Chaos. When it gets quiet – you better check and see what’s up.


Products I used

See more of my scrapbook pages and projects in the gallery.


One thought on “The Scrap Pile | August 13, 2012

  1. Cyranoscrap says:

    Loved your No No No layout and story – LOL! Thanks for the reminder that all the little things like that should be scrapped too, even if its like your One of Those Days layout. I tend to forget those every now and again! 🙂

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